Use the Tiger Chart to examine your patients' near point acuity.
Demonstrate the disadvantages of obsolete progressive lens technology.
Illustrate the value of digital progressives while increasing your bottom line.
The TigerChart is everything it should be; lightweight, easy to recharge, colorful, useful, and FUN!
The Tiger Chart is an exclusive device for checking near vision. Since it is a one-of-a-kind device, you can differentiate yourself from your competitors. We routinely hear patients say things like "that is cool", "wow, that's neat", "I never saw one of these before."
Don't get trapped or bogged down using antiquated equipment or devices. Patients want to know that you & your office are current with new technologies. Update & freshen up your exam. Build confidence in your patients that you are an "up-to-date doc."
The Tiger Chart is simple & lightweight. It has minimal features but a captivating appearance & is easy to use.
The TigerChart is mounted securely that makes removal and installation on your near-point rod quick and painless.
So, if you still want to use your old outdated near card (even though we don't think you ever will again), you can.
Preview the Version 3.0 Preloaded Chart Showcase (pdf)
View the TigerChart 3.0 Instruction & Slide Arrangement Manual (pdf)
There are a few different types of near point Rod types & sizes available for sale, and we offer a solution tailored to each one.
Instructions to determine your near point rod size:
1) Determine what shape your rod is: Diamond or Hexagon
2) Using a Millimeter ruler, measure one side of your nearpoint rod.
3) Choose that option when purchasing and we will send you the correct mounting.
The RotoClip mount is universal and works with most near point rod types.
Yes. The slides are numbered in the PDF file under "What Can The TigerChart Do For You" section. You may email us after your purchase to have us arrange them for you with the desired order, or you may do so yourself in the Tiger Chart Instruction Manual found in the same section.
No. It is a pretty quick start up...approximately 2 seconds to turn on and about two seconds to turn off.
The unit will typically need to be charged every 2-3 days as long as you are turning it on and off with each patient.
There is a battery indicator, it will show up everytime a slide is loaded on the top left corner, and when charging.
As long as you order the proper frame, you shouldn't have any issues with it sliding down the near point rod.
We have a 90 day money back guarantee. There is a 10% restocking fee and no refund on the shipping and handling charge, however.
Yes, however, there is a $30 charge per slide for this option. And we can not use name brand products in our slides.
We can email you a slide if you see it on our website but you will have to download it to your device on your own.
We send it by US mail (first class) with a tracking number.
Yes, instructions on how to rearrange the slides are in the Tiger Chart Instruction Manual in the "What Can The TigerChart Do For Your" Section.
Technically, yes you can. But it is not simple. The batteries are soldered in. A jeweler or small repair person with soldering expertise can probably change them for you.
Yes, you can. However, they will probably not have the same resolution that they would have unless we upgrade them for you. There is a $30 charge per slide for this feature.
Plug one end of the charging cable into the unit (TigerChart) and other other end into the included charging adapter.
Yes, we ship all over the world!
We use it for all of our near testing and have been since 2010. The patients love it because it's different and they've never seen anything like it. They understand it immediately, though, because this is their world everyday.
Honestly, there is no true Snellen equivalent with TigerChart. Our chart is intended to measure functional vision in a real world setting. There isn't a digital near screen on the market that can support 20/20 at near (16 inches) with LCD at this time. Therefore, we don't promote Snellen equivalent.
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